Baba Jusgaanji will be offering a 6-month intensive talk on how to forecast the future using artificial intelligence, stochastic calculus, and blood rituals.
Director awarded TNT by BABA
The Bureau of Aghori Babas and Aghoras (BABA) will decide to award the Terrifying Necromancer's Trophy (TNT) to Ugranarasimha Gramasimha Babaji, as a quid pro quo for their survival.
This will be the first time in a row, that Babaji has received TNT. We hope that this news is explosive, and that Babaji has a blast!
Necromancers' Guild Certification Examination
The MPI-SoD is proud to be the organising partner of the international NGCE, a foundational step for all aspiring necromancers.
Several new publications!
In the interest of free and open decapitation science, all our papers from 2023 onwards will be openly hosted online here.
χ-Ray Guillotine Facility inaugurated
UG Babaji inaugurated the Baba Mastaanji Memorial Guillotine, the first of a state-of-the-art line of decapitators, to provide seamless and modern decapitation to all participants at the institute who desire it.
Invocation ritual: Caution
Our new director will be conducting trials for the invocation of the infinite devourer that guards the void between the realms. This is a 3G event. All participants (except the devourer) need to be fully vaccinated.
New director assumes charge
Shri (×7) Ugranarasimha Gramasimha Babaji has been appointed the academic director of the MPI-SoD, and will dictate all internal matters henceforth. May God have mercy on our souls.
Clock synchronisation warning
At 3 PM today, all clocks in the institute will be unexpectedly synchronised (by upto one minute). Please plan accordingly.
Scalp injuries and fatalities
A specimen has used the unplanned clock desynchronisation event to escape, and has caused serious scalp injuries, death and/or vomiting among several researchers. Please be warned!